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Absorbent Gauze Cloth Roll
Absorbent Gauze Cloth Roll
Gauze Roll
Gauze Roll
Surgical Gauze Cloth
Surgical Gauze Cloth
Rolled Bandage
Rolled Bandage
Sterilized Absorbent Gauze Swab
Sterilized Absorbent Gauze Swab
Swab Gauze
Swab Gauze
X-Ray Detectable Gauze Swab
X-Ray Detectable Gauze Swab
Surgical Crepe Bandage
Surgical Crepe Bandage
Crepe Bandage
Crepe Bandage
Orthopatic Crepe Bandage
Orthopatic Crepe Bandage
Paraffin Gauze Dressing BP
Paraffin Gauze Dressing BP
Elastic Adhesive Bandage
Elastic Adhesive Bandage
Microporous Paper Tape
Microporous Paper Tape
Surgical Paper Tape
Surgical Paper Tape
Non Woven Paper Tape
Non Woven Paper Tape
Zinc Oxide Adhesive Plaster
Zinc Oxide Adhesive Plaster
Adhesive Tape USP
Adhesive Tape USP
Adhesive Plaster
Adhesive Plaster
Eye Pad
Eye Pad
Absorbent Lint
Absorbent Lint
Surgical Absorbent Lint Cloth
Surgical Absorbent Lint Cloth
Sanitary Napkin
Sanitary Napkin
Sanitary Pad
Sanitary Pad
Baby Diapers
Baby Diapers
Maternity Pad
Maternity Pad
Mopping Pad
Mopping Pad
Capsicum Plaster
Capsicum Plaster
Orthopedic Soft Roll
Orthopedic Soft Roll
Adult Diaper
Adult Diaper
Cotton Ball
Cotton Ball

Welcome to Shubham Pharmaceuticals !

Providing wide range of Surgical Bandage, Surgical Dressings Bandage, Surgical Tape, Surgical Paper Tape, Surgical Dressings & Disposables items, Adhesive Tapes, Adhesive Tape Usp, Zinc Oxide Adhesive Plaster, Microporous Paper Tape, Crape Bandage Cloth, Transparent Tape, Paper Tape, Sterile A.B. Gauze, Paraffin Gauze, Gauze Cloth, Bandage Cloth, X-Ray Detect able Gauze Swab and Laprostomy Sponze, Crape Bandage, Rolled Bandage, Absorbent Lint, Elasto Adhesive Plaster, Surgical Eye Pad & Supplier of Surgical instrument like Scissor, Forceps and Eye instrument etc.
About Us

About Us

Established in 2006, we, Shubham Pharmaceuticals, are a profound Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of a quality range of Surgical Tape, Surgical Paper Tape, Surgical Bandage, Surgical Dressings Bandage, Surgical Dressings & Disposable, and Adhesive Tapes. We are highly focused on the quality of our offered range, and for this reason we have achieved an ISO 9001 : 2008 certification. All our products such as Absorbent Lint, Adhesive Tape USP, Bandage Cloth, Rolled Bandage, Paraffin Gauze and Surgical Paper Tape, etc., are made using the best grade material such as 100% cotton. Moreover, we use modern technology in the manufacturing processes so that our products can meet core industrial norms and clients' requirements as well.

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